Salsa dance Every Thursday 7-8pm/ Studio Picture Day April 26th
Salsa dance Every Thursday 7-8pm/ Studio Picture Day April 26th
"Dance Is Our Passion"
Progressive Ballet Technique (PBT).
This class is designed to stimulate the posture, alignment and muscle memory for the dancer. Early training is essential for dancers to feel and develop the correct movement patterns by activating the correct muscles. The activation of the intrinsic muscles assists to prepare the feet, calves and hamstrings for the very important transition onto pointe.
4 Week Summer Session
Reserve your spot today.
Mr. Ruth Gay Passed Away November 23rd 2024 A scholarship in her honor will be awarded at June Recital
Pay your account via PayPal
Pay your account via Venmo
Monies Raised will go into a scholarship fund to be awarded Every June in his honor.